Friday, September 11, 2009

Let's feed the birds!!

Our craft project this week was a very easy and inexpensive bird feeder.

Start by spray painting an empty milk carton or large soda bottle. We chose hunter green so it would blend with the trees.
While the paint is drying, have the kids go pick up some nice leaves and a couple of sticks.

Now that the paint is dry, cut some holes on each side of the carton or bottle. Make sure the holes are big enough for the birds.

Have the kids glue the leaves that they collected earlier to decorate the feeder.

Insert the sticks about half way between the holes and the bottom of the carton.

Fill the bottom of the feeder with some bird seeds and using some butcher string or in my case some old shoe laces, hang the bird feeders to a tree.

And there you have it. A great way to keep the little ones busy and interested.

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